Week 1: The what and why of Multisite

Gif asking "Is such a thing even possible? Yes, it is."
And we’re going to show you how.

It’s happening! Week 1 of WordPress Multisite 101 with Tom Woodward has begun. Let’s get into it!

Session 1

This first session will introduce WPMS, show off Tom Woodward’s bona fides— a lá O Brother Where Art Thou—, and walk us through the advantages, as well as the challenges, of implementing WPMS for your project. Watch the session 1 video here:

Week 1 Q&A

We will have a Q&A session on Friday at 12pm ET in the #wordpress-multisite-101 channel and our #hangout-voice channel in Discord. We’ll answer any lingering questions you might have from the session 1 video, and answer any other WPMS-related questions you bring to the discussion!

Don’t forget to check out the welcome post!

If you haven’t checked out the welcome post already, head over to there to check out the schedule times and descriptions. ⬇

☑️ For next week

We like checklists, so if you do too, here is your list to prepare for next week. These will be included at the bottom of each week’s post.

Spin up a WordPress Multisite in your Reclaim account if you don’t already have one. Navigate to your Network Admin Dashboard and try to identify the areas we chatted about in the video!
To do this, follow our Installing WordPress guide, but be sure to check the “Yes, enable multisite support…” option.

Create a copy and fill out Tom’s Project Planning – Vertical Articulation of Goals document to further support your project vision.

Pssssssst, you can click those checkboxes above, and your browser's cache will remember what was checked when you return!

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