Hey there! Welcome to week 1 of Understanding Containers. Let’s kick off this exploration of Containers and Docker!
Session 1
In our first session, we’ll explore why container technology is exciting, get you started in Reclaim Cloud, run our first (tiny) docker container, and explore our container glossary! You can check out the session 1 video here:
Docker Glossary
In the session 1 video, we spend some time checking out a Docker Glossary that we will be adding to throughout the course. You can find that glossary here:
Week 1 Q&A
We will have a Q&A session on Friday at 11am ET in the #understanding-containers-voice channel in Discord. We’ll answer any lingering questions you might have from the session 1 video, and answer any other container or docker related questions you bring to the discussion!
Don’t forget to check out the welcome post!
If you haven’t checked out the welcome post already, I’d recommend you do that to check out the schedule, get set up with Reclaim Cloud, get context on some of the concepts we’ll talk about, and learn some command line tricks.
☑️ For next week
I’m a checklist person, so if you do too, here is your list to prepare for next week. I’ll include these at the bottom of each week’s post.
Install a “Docker Engine CE” environment from the Reclaim Cloud Marketplace
Open a terminal in that environment, and run docker run hello-world in the terminal
Pssssssst, you can click those checkboxes above, and your browser's cache will remember what was checked when you return!