Hello and welcome to our flex course on OBS!
OBS is a powerful open-source tool that you can use to create videos and live streams, and we’re big fans of it here at Reclaim. Over the next few sessions we’ll get you started with OBS, show you how to make various scenes, get you making recordings and streams, and cover some advanced techniques!
Where do I find stuff?
- Sessions will take place each week at https://watch.reclaimed.tech/obs
- Asynchronous conversations with other participants will happen in the #obs Discord channel throughout the week
- Weekly posts will be released in Discord and on reclaimed.tech (oh hey, you’re already here!)
- January 17th – 12 PM ET: Installation and Getting started
- January 24th – 12 PM ET: Creating Scenes
- January 31st – 12 PM ET: Advanced techniques and green screening!