Welcome to the first session of our OBS series! This week, Taylor and Meredith start out talking about the possibilities of OBS as well as get you started streaming and recording!
Session 1
Watch the session 1 video here:
Here are our slides that we used during the video:
Further Resources
The OBS help page is a great jumping off point for all things OBS:
Help | OBS
If you are looking for a deep dive on advanced techniques in OBS as well as audio and video gear, you might want to check out this playlist from the EposVox channel on YouTube:
OBS Studio Master Class | EposVox
☑️ For next week
We like checklists, so if you do too, here is your list to prepare for next week. These will be included at the bottom of each week’s post.
Install OBS
Set up your microphone
Add your camera or webcam to OBS
Check out your recording settings and set the FPS to 30.
Make a recording!
Try streaming to Owncast! You can install Owncast from the Reclaim Cloud marketplace, or use the one at owncast.ca.reclaim.cloud which we will keep up during the month of January. Stream URL and Key will be in Discord!
Pssssssst, you can click those checkboxes above, and your browser's cache will remember what was checked when you return!